
How To Add The Blog To You Zenfolio Home Page

Do Not Blog on Zenfolio

{begin bluster}

The Honeymoon is Over

I've been a Zenfolio fan-daughter for more than six years.

When they enabled blogging natively on their platform in 2012 I jumped ship from Blogger and moved my weblog, committing whole-heartedly to the Zenfolio paradigm.

I noticed several deficiencies in customization compared to Blogger right away, just mistakenly believed that Zenfolio would up their game and keep development going for their loyal customers who happened to exist bloggers. I was wrong.

Moving my weblog to Zenfolio was (probably) the worst decision I've made for my website

As I've grown as a blogger, I've repeatedly tried to add functionality to my website to increase usability and stickiness to keep people on my site as long as possible. I accept been stifled at nearly every turn.

  • In that location is no manner to insert third-party lawmaking into the page template – I wanted to add together a non-intrusive popup in the lower-right corner asking people to sign up for my newsletter.
  • There is no way to insert third-party code into the postal service template – I wanted to add lawmaking that would automatically link three related posts encouraging people to click through to other content (I ended up doing this manually – searching through my list of posts and doing the copy/paste thing)
  • They limit the number of characters in the sidebar field (merely don't tell you lot the limit) – I mail affiliate ads and disbelieve codes for my readers. It got to a bespeak where each time I tried to add something new I had to delete something else or it refused to save.

In that location have been countless niggling things that I've had to construct workarounds for, which, over time, has made my blogging workflow cumbersome and incredibly fourth dimension consuming.

Zenfolio is holding my web log content hostage

Yes, you read that right – they do not allow downloading/exporting of your blog content (or custom pages)! There is no way to export your weblog, either for fill-in OR moving the blog in an easy mode to another platform.

I accept HUNDREDS of posts and I'k furious that I tin't motility my data. If I were to cancel my Zenfolio account, my content would exist gone. In no way is this okay!

I'm not ditching Zenfolio…withal

The honeymoon might be over, simply I'm non quite ready to kick Zenfolio to the adjourn. They excel as a portfolio. Their gallery features are groovy. Its obviously their bread and butter…blogging is not. Zenfolio is a great way to display your images to potential clients. Its fantastic for portrait and wedding photographers who desire an piece of cake style to set up individual client galleries.

They also still have my blog content(!!!) – I'thousand working on manually copying and pasting my blog content to a new WordPress website that my husband and I are building. (I'm non fix to share that URL – its in crude shape still). This process could accept months. My life would be And then much easier if Zenfolio allowed me to export my blog!

C'est la vie – sometimes you have to get through growing pains to build a business (and recover from stupid mistakes).

{end bluster}

How To Add The Blog To You Zenfolio Home Page,


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